Monday, May 30, 2011

The Artistic Glory of Garbage

On our recent trip to Cart'M, we found out we had missed the party of the year that was held the night before. It's called the TRASH BASH. Lucky for us, the art show was still in place.

Here's some of what we saw...Keep in mind, all of this gorgeous stuff was made with poubelle...which is the French word for garbage and sounds a lot more elegant.

It's blue hour.

A fiesty Fido made from an enamel roasting pan, rusty tools and casters.

A huge, creepy, crawly arachnid.

Lovely assemblages made by a local artist...

and my favorite objet...a dress made from wire and blue & white tulle. Someone actually wore this fabulous frock the night before at the "TRASHION SHOW".

Now, that's an event I will never miss again.


trash talk said...

Love the play on words...may have to steal, I mean borrow those!
I sure hope the undergarments weren't made from wire and tulle!!!
P.S. Why are some folks so talented and not me?

DearHelenHartman said...

Trashion SHOW? Now I know what to call the display made when I try to find something to wear before going out. Love it and the peek at the show.

Attic Rat said...

It's amazing just how much wonderful things just get thrown away. It is such a waste.

I am glad to see an event that raises awareness.


Jil Casey said...

Very creative!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Amazing! I love Fido and the framed collages! That dress is also a WOW!