I mostly got to stay away from him except when he decided to go to Haiti to do a story. Bill's story concept was about how the entire population of Haiti is gripped by the claws of Voodoo. In fact, an extremely small percentage of Haitians embrace Voodoo, the people there are Catholic, and by a very large margin. However, as I learned working for 2 decades in TV news; never, ever, let the facts get in the way of a good story.
Anyway, I spoke enough French to be his translator, so I "got to" go. Let me just say that being in Haiti with Bill O'Reilly is like being in hell with Satan. He is literally incapable of speaking about anything other than himself. He is so obtuse, that when the waiter at our hotel asked him IN ENGLISH for his dinner order, Bill turned to me to order for him. So I did, IN ENGLISH.
Back in New York one night, a friend of one of the other producers had an alcohol soaked night of "passion" with him. She reported back, of course. I therefore have it on good authority that he is (as Lily Allen so beautifully puts it) "small in the game".
ROTFL! Just confirms what I thought about this man!
I love the blogs about your work experiences. Guess his big ego covers up small comings in other areas!!
I have to confess, I was delighted to read your post. Confirms everything I suspected, including the "small in the game" thing!
I truly thank you for sharing that information about this guy. I couldn't stand watching or listening to him back then and still can't. I would say more but it probably be best that I not. All I see is a extremely large ego. I had to comment on this just to make me feel better.
Loved your story. Men are always shocked to find that we women tell all!
You didn't help me see Mr. O'Riley in a better light! What makes folks fall into their "superiority complex?" I can't imagine any situation where I could behave in a queenly manner, even if I do think the world is all about me! I know that's just in my head! Thanks for the insight!
My god Pam--this is your best story EVER! I'm sitting in the parking lot of Jack's Fish House in Carriere MS laughing my ass off. From your heading I was afraid you were going to defend the a**hole but NO WAY!! Thanks for making my day in a huge way, girlfriend. Now come over to my blog and enter the Most Fabulous Giveaway Ever!!
WOW! You worked for Inside Edition! And worked with Bill O'Reilly. My condolences. I can't stand that guy. And now I know why he's such an *ss. He's overcompensating, for having "no game"!
Are we surprised?????? Not!
Funny, very funny. Now let's dish about poor little Sarah and her manly size ego. She and Bill are already fighting over who gets to be on top. (in 2012)
Well written, this is the best post I ever saw by anyone!
If anyone had any doublts I think that cleared it up for them!! He makes my skin crawl:>(
You know what they say...little mind, little .....! I'm trying to be a lady here, but it's killing me! Once again, girlie, you slay me!
Pam, it was totally worthy burning my retinas (by looking at a photo of him) to hear this story. I'll sleep a little better tonight, knowing that god gave him a weenie the size of his brain.
What NYC said. :-)
He is SUCH an ASS!! Small in the frame! LOVE IT!
Lou Cinda :)
I don't doubt a word of what you say...Ick!
Thanks for the info!
New to your blog....but l-o-v-e-d the section about Billy.....what a l-o-s-e-r.......
Hey, just found your blog, our hubbies and your son went to the OSU game today, looks like we have a few things in common! lol! Love your blog.
Oh, dear. I just read this wonderful post, now he's being interviewed on NPR about his new book. All I can think about is his penis.
Just found your blog and I have to say 'BRAVO' I am now a subscriber, and posted a link on fb for you. Later today I'll add a link on my blog to yours. You Rock! Bright Blessings from The Hipster.
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