Dear Readers,
When I saw this image, I was struck by the eyes of this precious boy. Then I saw the face of the rescuer and started to cry. Photographic proof that we are all together on the face of this planet.
I was in Haiti in 1989. I was Bill O'Reilly's producer at Inside Edition and we went there to work on a story. The poverty is unimaginable. I saw children drinking water out of potholes in the street. Human beings live in cardboard shacks. They are the poorest people in the Western Hemisphere. And yet, they were helpful, friendly and courteous to us; rich, well-fed Americans who would soon be on an airplane flying back to our comfortable lives.
Please consider donating to any rescue organization in Haiti. I am adding a couple of links to make it easier. Even $10 can make a difference. Thank you!
The Red Cross
Doctors without Borders
Good for you Pam! Hopefully most of this money will get to the people who need it most--I've already given a donation through the Methodist Church's charity that earmarks 100% of donations for the recipient. Now, about you working for Bill O'Reilly. AAAACCCCKKKKKK! Or is this a DIFFERENT Bill O'Reilly?
I pray for the people, the rescuers..the Doctors and the Nurses, for everyone who is feeling the pain of an unimaginable horror.
We are all on this planet together..each of us linking to the other in ways we don't think about often. Maybe my money won't make a big difference, but it made a difference to me. My heart goes out to everyone touched by this horror.
Bless you for this post! I am donating money and although it may be small, I hope it helps!
Amen to that.
Pam, Thanks for the personal touch on this one. It's so easy to fall into "it doesn't affect me" syndrome. I will get out my Visa!
I cannot imagine the heartache! I just sent my donation to Mercy Corps. I wish I could do more!
One of our fourth grade classes at school is taking this on as their community service project and will be collecting money all this next week so I will be donating in that way. Just imaginable what all those poor people are going through right now. I think about them all every moment of the day. Wishing you a most beautiful and blessed day. Tammy
I am organizing a fundraiser with some of my students. Will keep you posted. I forgot about you and Bill. Man, what a pair! Can't you share some stories?
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