Last Saturday, I was running errands at about 3PM. I saw a sign for a sale in my neighborhood. Normally, I would have just kept driving ~ while thinking ~ they've probably closed, it's too late in the day, we're having 8 for cocktails in 2 hours and are out of raspberry vodka, etc. But this was a
church rummage and was right around the corner. So I decided to have a little faith. It paid off.

Vintage flash cards, hand made baby sweater set, bag o' vintage floral leaves, a large green faux Bakelite ring that I will fashion into a towel holder, a small box of vintage clothing tags that read "Handmade by Eleanore"...
Pair of vintage Christmas bells with holly decals, 18 mini tart tins in original box, a red Dymo label maker, 2 boxes of vintage tinsel and a fab set of glasses. See the wave pattern along the top of the glass? Perfect for the hut!
There was lots of Christmas stuff too; I had to paw through a lot of styrofoam and melted wax to find these holiday delights...
When I went to the checkout, the sweet cashier said to me, "We are just about ready to close up about $5 for everything?" I gave her $10.
She shoot, she scores. A little divine intervention.
Wow!! You really scored!
Great finds! I stumbled onto your blog this morning...loved this post! I know you are glad you stopped!! Have a great day.
I often overpay at organizational sales, as well. I'm all, "You're going to charge me TWO DOLLARS for an entire set of large sandpaper letters mounted to pink-painted wood AND a LATHE? Just take this ten."
Don't you love church sales???? The pink Christmas goodies are fab!!
I think I should look for some church rummage sales.
Well, so glad you stopped, aren't you? You struck gold with that one.
Did you show your loot to the guests that came over? Perfect!
I clicked over to look at your "hut." Cool!!! I'd rather have a tiny "hut" or cottage than a huge ultra modern condo ANY DAY.
However - - - can the roof be fixed so it doesn't leak? I'd hate for water damage to destroy the structure of your little hut.
There was a detached garage on the property of the first house we bought. As part of the sale they told us to "ignore" that it was there - - - they thought it needed to be pulled down. It had NO roof on it - - - just a gaping hole to the sky.
Hubby, having had mucho roofing experience, climbed up there - - - put in NEW rafters - - - put on a roof and PRESTO - - - a nice little storage garage, no more structural damage from water.
Isn't that baby set sweet....It reminds me of the type of stuff my mother used to crochet. :-)
I still say you find the best sales in and around the city. Nothing like that in these parts. One of these days I'm going to call you and tag
Oh yeah, you got a deal,sweet!
You should always have faith in the estate sale man above. Good score dear...
we need to get together for a bowl of oats and a cup of your watered down coffee!
Wow! It sure does pay to have must have been a really good girl that day to reap those rewards. I am such a sucker for vintage Christmas!
You! Are! So! Lucky!!!
I would have done exactly the same thing :)
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