Friday, August 5, 2011

I've Got a New Attitude. Sort of.

I mentioned here that my space at Found on Fremont is moving from downstairs to up. I'm a bit worried about what will happen to my sales; but mostly I'm annoyed about not being front and center (actually it was back and center, but let's not split hairs) anymore. The actual move was not the chaotic disaster I had envisioned. In fact, it's coming together quite nicely, thank you.

What do you think? Please advise!


Linda @ A La Carte said...

I think it looks great! Might turn out better then you think!

Sue at Serendipity said...

Looks terrific and I have to say the one time I was in the shop - a looong time ago - I liked the upstairs much better than the downstairs!!

Deeba said...

Looking great, Pam! I will have to get by there one of these days!

pdxzak said...

I always spend WAY WAY more time upstairs than down, so maybe I am not alone in this and sales will go up!

Rose H (UK) said...

It looks fabulous! I'm sure things will turn out better than before :o)

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Looks great! Change is good and lets you see everything in a fresh, new light. Wishing you all the best. Tammy

trash talk said...

Loving the blue and for the record...I think you'll do just fine. In fact...just for spite...sell more and show 'em they can't keep a good woman down...or in your case...up.

LV said...

I am not in a good position to judge, but I do n ot see anything wrong with you shared.

Andy's Attic said...

It looks very fresh and inviting. I love the tall blue cabinet! I think you will be surprised how well you do upstairs. It seems to me there was more upstairs so I would linger longer. I am anxious to come and see for myself!

★Carol★ said...

I love the roomy, uncramped look of your space. There's nothing worse than walking through a booth and feeling like you're going to knock everything over with your butt!

Lisa said...

Looks very fresh and inviting! You are coming along nicely. I was in five shops this past week and all the great stuff was always upstairs!

Gardngoyle said...

The space is very inviting. And I'm always suspicious of 'front and center'. In my experience I've had better luck searching out the odd corners.

bellefleur said...

Looks like a lovely space to shop in! I am a lover of textiles, and like to soften up an area with lace curtains, vintage tablecloths, quilts, etc.