Friday, July 29, 2011


French Pre-school children learn that roosters greet the morning with "Cocorico!" Isn't that so much better than "Cock-a-doodle-do!"?
I found this gorgeous lamp at a recent sale. The first thing that popped into my head was..."Look! A lamp with 2 cocks on it!" Price? $10. Magnifique!


Linda @ A La Carte said...

I like your 'double cock' lamp for sure! Love the french versions of 'cock a doodle do!' Really that is a cute lamp and only $10....score.

Lynn said...

I love that naughty lamp!

Beech Street Gardens said...

Glad it was a lamp......

Nelly said...

wow huge bargain and the french way does sound better.

Vintage Station said...

Tres bon! Two years of French and that's the extent of it!

SousLeCharme said...

C'est pour moi!!!

Lisa said...

I am comment-less. Your double cock lamp has left me with out words.

I think Beech Street Gardens said it best...

Deeba said...

You are cracking me up. En espanol: kiri kiri!