Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Friend

Have you ever had a friend who was creative and talented and smart and beautiful? And when the planets were aligned in a particular fashion, that friend began to blossom in ways that even she never expected?

This is my friend Joan. We met over 40 years ago in a town called Garden Grove.

(I think we were about 17 in this photo.)

I told you about her here . Please visit this post on her September Tea blog to read about her latest accomplishment...her design work has just been published! In a book! Hip Hip Hooray!


Andy's Attic said...

That is so wonderful!! There are few things better than to take joy in a friends accomplishment.

JustJoan said...

You are my dear friend. I could not do what I'm doing without your encouragement, sounding board, friendship and love!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
xo Joan