Thursday, November 11, 2010

About as French as you can get...

I found this sweet little ashtray at the Goodwill. I know enough French to understand that the message was something about smoking...(smoked?) and life, but needed help as colloquialisms can be tricky. The actual translation: "Smoke and turn off life's disappointments."
That is, until you discover you have lung cancer.


Shara said...

First the cigarette display, now this ashtray. It's only a matter of time before you start puffing on a ciggie!

Andy's Attic said...

Very sweet dish (ashtray). The Winston display is also a good find. Is there a theme here?? :>)

Emme Toaye said...

Your luck astounds me and I hope to rub elbows with you someday so I can get a little of that luck. You always come across the most amazing things in your travels and by the way you have inspired me to go out today and shop at some of the nearby Thrift Museums in my area.

trash talk said... are twisted. That's what I like most about you!

laurie -magpie ethel said...

Don't go there and use it as an ashtray...use it to hold your earrings or something small and charming instead.

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

LOL...that was from a totally different time wasn't it?!?!?!

LV said...

No truer words spoken than yours on your post today. People that have been diagnosed with an illness told to stop smoking, keep right on doing it. Lord, I pray I never become that addicted to anything.

Lisa Johnson said...

You are so funny, Pam. I love that about you. We need to get together for a little junking soon! I would love to hang with you. Let's make a plan


Into Vintage said...

Was this made by a cigarette company? I'm not French so perhaps I'm just not in tune with their life philosophy. My life motto will go in the bottom of a wine glass. :-)

SousLeCharme said...

Hi Pam. I know this one- it's a rhyme. "fumée et vin tuent les chagrins." Smoke (cigarette smoke) and wine relieve sorrows. So now you need to add cirrhosis to the lung cancer!

One Gal's Trash said...

Merci! Due to paint loss, I read "vie" not "vin". so it makes so much more sense now. J'espere que tout va bien avec toi.

EverydayMe said...

it's beautiful... but the saying... ummmmmmm interesting... but then that's the French for you....
{{hugs}} Michelle

" SHABBY JUNK" said...

I like it because it's French. Don't care what it says. Cool find!