Spring is definitely here and so is estate sale season. I want to warn you right now about 2 regulars who seem to hit every sale, every Friday, on the east side of Portland. If you see these two; STAY CLEAR! I have seen one of them shove a little old lady out of his way, and witnessed the other in a screaming obscenity-laced fight with a dealer in a dead person's house. Believe me, you don't want to mess with these boys! Occasionally, there is a large sign on the front door at estate sales that reads:
"@*&^% and *#^$% are not welcome here!!!"
Suspect #1
OMG! That is too funny that you took their pictures. I don't get over to sales on the east side much. Don't think I've ever seen them. They sound truly naughty. I'm glad they aren't allowed in some sales. They shouldn't be allowed in any. How rude!
They are legendary...and NOT in a good way. I heard that (no joke) one of them actually bit someone at a sale. I do have to tell you that I was at an estate sale and both were there rushing/bullying around (as they do). Being the fall season, the ground was very wet and muddy around the sale house. Well, F. was rushing from the garage trying to get his fat ass in the front door. He slipped "pratfall" style in the mud and took a major tumble. He was covered from shoulder to ankle in mud. It made our day...we still talk about it!
I don't get anywhere near the east side either, but it's good to know.
I honestly can't believe the audacity of some people.
Okay, I've got their number! I think I've seen their brothers by another mother in Chicago, too.
ha ha ha ha nicely done! I bet it "Stinks" when you run into these 2. I bet the sign is written with a "fatty" Black Sharpie Pen in big letters ;>
Of COURSE they're crotchety old guys. I bet they smell too (since we have them around here)
If they come across the country, I will be watching for them and be ready to stick my foot out:)
Pam, you know how I feel about the two...I think everyone has a story about them. Love how everyone has similar characters in their neck of the woods...it is like they have been cloned and are popping up thru out the US to give us decent junking folks a hard time! No where is safe.
Oh yeah - I am well acquainted with them. I was a dealer for a number of years, I have SO MANY stories about those two.
hope you survived and didn't get the shove by one of those @$%&XO!!&%##@ grumpy old men... hugs michelle
haha to funny! I use to have the same dealers that would fight me for mid-century when I'd hit the same thrift stores on a regular basis. There's nothing worse than rude dealers. I got into a screaming match once with one of them over a pair of 50s lamps. He tried to say they were his and he just "put them down for a min" so I told him "you snooze-you loose" I would have been nice but he was notorious for being a dick. haha
OMG, you have me cracking up! I'll keep my eye out in S. Carolina in case they come through here now that y'all have their number! :-)
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