Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Chick Fable in Three Parts

~Part I~

Once upon a time, some really smart and funny women went to the Oregon coast for an *E*S*T*R*O*G*E*N* weekend. There was also some junking involved...but more on that later.

They brought stuff for crafting. The contents were taken out of the box, "ooohhh"ed and "aaahhhh"ed over, then put back in the box. There was very little ACTUAL crafting.

They made stacks of warm and fluffy pancakes. And smothered them with Nutella.

They wore...um...fleece Snug Sacks.

They reverently and respectfully observed happy hour. Starting at about 2 pm.

Coming soon...
Part II ~ A Dreamy Coastal Garden
Part III ~ Coastal Junking in the Pouring Down Rain


Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

Estrogen weekend sounds wonderful to me!

Laura Gerencser said...

Looks great!!

Andy's Attic said...

Oh, my! Estrogen weekends are so much fun!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Oh My goodness! You lucky, lucky ducks!

Chickens in the Basement said...

So far, so good! Sounds like you had all the bases covered...food, drink,entertainment and JUNK!

jamie@midcenturymania said...

Sounds like fun. Looks like fun. Can't wait to read parts 2 and 3! Love those sleepers.