Thursday, April 15, 2010

There's a naked man in my garden!

Recently, a couple of members of my girl posse presented me with my newest garden friend. They found David in the trash. (!) He had been in some sort of terrible accident; missing arm, broken leg, etc. but my girls just knew I would have him and hold him as long as we both shall live. And so David was lovingly ~ and modestly ~ placed in the rock garden just behind the Cape Fuchsia.
Girls, when I say one gal's trash is another gal's treasure...I mean it!


Sherrie said...

I love it. You have good friends that would snag this for you. Also the position of the statue in the photo..... perfect. I would be proud to show him to all. Have fun.

Queenie Jeannie said...

LOL! Love it!!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

That is just too funny and too true! Love it!!

Chickens in the Basement said...

Yep, I would put him in my yard too. In the absence of a fig leaf, you did a good job of strategically hiding "the boys!"


AngelMc said...

He is glorious.

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

I wish I had a naked man!

No! I mean literally!

Andy's Attic said...

He looks so grateful to have found a new home with a little bit of "cover".

Daniela said...

I'm in love.

Janet's Creations said...

Great "trash"! I'm going to start driving around the neighborhood on trash day and see what I can find.
Have the neighbor's made any comments?

svelteSTUFF said...

I NEED more friends like Yours!!!

Richard said...

Blimey! Everyone should have Renaissance sculptures in their back garden!

He looks awesome, and the broken arm just adds to the effect.

Anonymous said...

He's hotter than any of the guys in the supermarket or library, that's for sure!

icandy... said...

Where's the "love" button?!?!
He looks fab(io) in that garden of yours!! HA!~

Signs and Salvage said...

Oh goodness...that just cracks me UP!!!! My girls would DIE if I put that in my backyard!!!

Take Care,


Vanessa said...

That's a ridiculously fun find, I want a nude David in my garden to freak out the neighbors. I love the "modesty bush".

EverydayMe said...

too too fun! {{hugs}} Michelle