Saturday, March 13, 2010

One for the history books - In 3 parts

Part I:
One cold and blustery day, like yesterday, Beth and I headed north to a large thrift and to uncharted estate sale territory. On a scale of 1-10, the thrift was about a 7, the first sale was a 4, but the 2nd sale tipped the scales at about a 39. Girls, this was beyond heart attack thrilling, it was "I think I'm going to be sick" thrilling. First, let's have a look at the lay of the land, shall we?

This was the house next to the sale. Shoppers were using this property for parking. I got the sense that the homeowner wasn't too happy about that.

Uh, Toto, I don't think we're in NE Portland anymore.

Once we got inside, I went straight into the garage. I was in there for an HOUR. See those boxes under the tables? There were at least a dozen of them. Full of Christmas. Lots of bad 1980's era stuff, but some real finds too. Vintage ornaments, lights, aprons, Mica houses. I had to go through every box. I culled the stuff I wanted and put it all in a large Rubbermaid tub. Wait til I show you what I got. And when I tell you how much I paid, you will want to set your hair on fire.

Here's Beth by the back of the Dodge before we arrived at the sale. You'll have to come back to see the afters.


Linda @ A La Carte said...

Can't wait to see what you got.

Emily said...

so very cool.

jamie@midcenturymania said...

Holding match to hair, waiting to set on fire. Don't leave me waiting here too long.

laurie -magpie ethel said...

If I don't see what you got soon I may set my own hair on fire Dot!

concretenprimroses said...

Oh the Christmas stuff sounds so intriguing!

Georgia Peachez said...

uh oh. I think I'm about to be sick. Sick with jealousy!

EverydayMe said...

you are such a tease.... can't wait to see what you found... and I'll have a fire extinguisher ready for my hair... lol!!!
{{hugs}} Michelle

Judi said...

How long do I have to WAIT!!!!! "Set my hair on fire" LOL ~ You're such a tease!! Judi

Ronnie said...

AKH! Torture. I'm waiting with a box of matches!

Andy's Attic said...

Went to that sale Sat. afternoon and could tell it had been absolutely packed with treasures. Anxious to see what you found.

★Carol★ said...

Oh you great big stinkin' tease! I think I have those same suitcases. They say Lady Baltimore, or something like that on them. Anyway, show me the goodies!!!!! NOW!!!

Chickens in the Basement said...

You are my kind of girl! straight to the garage and stuff prissy folks think of as crap! Can't wait to see all of your goodies!

Lisa Johnson said...

I want those green suitcases! Can't wait to see all your fun finds.



Jane said...

That would be my kind of sale! Can't wait to see all of the goodies.

thasnifty said...

oh now, I HATE waiting for anything. You must post part II soon! please pretty please with sugar on top.

-brightest blessings-