This one was a totally inappropriate choice for me. Me, 16. Him, 26 ~ and had already been married. I used to ditch school and ride my bike to his house and listen to him play "While My Guitar Gently Weeps". Why my parents let me have anything to do with him, I'll never know. They didn't know about the ditching school part, or the divorced part, obviously. Maybe they thought he just
looked a lot older than me. I was the 4th child, I think at that point, my mom was like, "whatever". However, I can assure you, if
my 16 year old daughter brought one of these home, I would (in the words of Bridget Jones) "chop off his head and boil it for supper." Promise me you won't try to find out his identity. I might have a lawsuit on my hands. Blogging would be a lot less fun from the inside of a jail cell. Do you want to hear about the French one or the British one next?
This is hilarious...thanks for making me laugh today!
This was a hilarious post. Is the mystery man Kenny Rogers? I too was the youngest of four kids and as a teenager found myself with parents who were too exhausted from working and raising a large family to bother with the finer points of parenting. Let's hear about Frenchy.
Love your blog!
OMG! You are too, too funny! This post had me totally cracking up. Yikes! 26 when you were 16? He was a perve! Sorry, but he was. I want to hear about the French one next.
Wow, While My Guitar Gently Weeps, that's pretty romantic, did you appreciate it at the time. And I want to hear about both.
The French one!!
You are too funny : )
the poor doggie has to be incognito too : (
Have a crazy weekend
Personally, I've never googled an ex because the break-ups weren't good and I don't CARE what happened to them! Your post was great!
Given the ages you all were back then...he's the one who should be worried about jail. xo Joan
I'm pretty sure I recognize the dog!
Okay Pam... this really must have been a secret... you really didn't want to share... because I don't remember you EVER mentioning him... not that I'd know who he is now... but back then... where was I??? in the twilight-zone... I didn't know about this 10 difference romance... some lunch-bunch friend I am! And the answer to your question about googling - I haven't, but you brought up something fun to do... I think I'll google a few... this should be fun, I'll let you know what I find.
And you can tell us about Mr. Frenchy next... ooooh-la-la!!!
{{HUGS}} Michelle
I only found your blog recently and I have to say you are very funny. The blackout eyes are the ex's dog is too much. Lol. :)
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