A vintage PINK oven. How or why it was installed like this, I cannot explain.

Hand made money holders at a retirement community rummage sale. Adorable!

A cherubic concrete birdbath with lily pad pond feature. This was not for sale.

Speaking of yard art; there is a line you should never, ever cross.
Is it the fact that its off the ground that you are wondering about? I dont have the answer, but our house was built in 1962 and our oven is like that.
Check out this post:
I can't count the number of times I've found a cool birdbath or fabulous concrete piece in the yard of a sale. Then I'm told: "not for sale" or "goes with the house".
Love that pink oven! I wouldn't want it in my house necessarily, but I do love it. lol
Yes, there is a line...and we have a couple of places out here that have crossed it many times over....
Our neighbor had an entire flock of pink flamingos in their yard--it's actually kind of awesome.
My line I won't cross? Those painted plywood stand-ups of a country woman's big ass, as if she's bending over her garden. *shudder*
Never cross indeed!!!!!!!
LOL! Julie.. I second that (the country woman's bum) and add those little kids that are leaned over hiding their faces...
Actually, I LOVE yards that have lots of weird stuff in it, just as long as it's cool-weird (the flamingos!) and not crazy-weird.
The oven is just so awesome. Actually, I bet they could buy a brand new one with the money they could get selling that vintage baby right now!
Boy, that oven makes you want to run out and get some pink paint to redecorate your kitchen--and I'm not even that crazy about pink! But hey, then you could put your pink flamingos in the kitchen and free up some yard space!
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